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Body Contour & Sculpting

Patients who are seeking specific outcomes for the shape of their body and health of their skin have a variety of treatment options available to them. At Truth, Health and Wellness we offer non invasive and minimally invasive procedures using a combination of modalities that your body will best respond to.


Diminishing cellulite, reducing fat and shaping the body takes a “treatment plan” not just a procedure. We will create an effective treatment plan that is tailored to your goals for your desired body appearance. After we conduct a physical examination and medical history, we will make recommendations of treatment options that will deliver the best results that are right for you.

Schedule online.

It's easy, fast and secure.

These are some of the most effective treatment area options available for patients:


Upper Arms




Love Handles





Body contour and sculpting benefits


Fat Reduction

Skin Retention

Smooth Skin

Body Circumference Reduction  


No Downtime

Affordable Cost


Here are a few non-invasive technologies and techniques we use to get results for our patients


Radio Frequency

Lipo Laser

Ultrasonic Cavitation

Vacuum Therapy

Wood Therapy

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